Innovation and passion for challenges are in our values. Bringing the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence to everyone is our mission. We tell you how we revolutionized the Holy Week in Granada with the first intelligent assistant expert in processions and brotherhoods.
Motivation: to know the real-time position of the processions.
The Holy Week of Granada is in the DNA of the city. This is an important cultural, religious and tourist event that has a positive impact on the city, its citizens and visitors.
Granada is internationally known for the Alhambra, one of the most visited monuments in Spain. But also for its University and its leadership in the development of Artificial Intelligence, mainly in the area of machine learning.
From the Montevive AI team, we saw that it was a great opportunity to put all the potential and revolution that generative AI has brought to the service of citizens and visitors, providing them with a powerful tool to know all the details of the Holy Week in Granada.
We wanted to answer common questions such as: where do the processions go,which processions pass by where I am, etc.
Artificial intelligence in the service of an ancient and deep-rooted tradition
We have been working for a long time with generative AI, agents, RAG systems… and we wanted to put it in value with a chatbot at the service of all citizens.
We are advocates that technology is not the end, only the means. It is the means to improve the quality of life of all citizens.
When we refer to “everyone”, we think of all types of people, with any degree of functional diversity. Accessibility is a feature that any application or system that is considered intelligent must meet.
For this reason, and knowing the work done by the association The Accessible City they make so that the Holy Week can be enjoyed by all, we put ourselves in contact with them to comment him our happy idea.
This is how “” borns.

A multi-platform chatbot
From the very beginning, it was clear to us that the chatbot had to be multiplatform.
We work and have a lot of know-how with Telegram, so it was clear that this would be the first platform. Among the advantages of Telegram we highlight the ease with which chatbots can be created and that it is free of charge.

The next was WhatsApp, the most bureaucratically complex and expensive. A WhatsApp for Business account is required, and the costs per conversation are several cents (0.03-0.05€).
Finally, in order to offer a 100% customizable experience, we chose to create our own PWA with React.
Main features
Among all the features of, we highlight the following:
- Real-time information: Constant updates on the start of processions, route changes and safety recommendations.
- Personalized interaction: Immediate answers to specific questions about Easter events, allowing users to plan their experience optimally.
- Cultural and religious guide: Detailed information on the meaning and history behind each procession, offering a richer and more educational experience. For this purpose, the Accessible Semana Santa Guide of Granada 2024 was processed and this knowledge was incorporated into the chatbot.
- Information on weather and other services: weather is a key factor in whether or not the processions go out. The chatbot has access to the real-time forecast for the following hours and days. It also provides information on cab ranks and information on city buses and waiting times.
- Multi-language: responds in the user’s language. Very important to make it accessible to foreign visitors.

Presentation at the Granada City Hall
Last Thursday, March 21st, was presented at the Granada City Hall. The mayoress, Marifran Carazo, together with the councilor of social policy, family, disability and elderly, Amparo Arrabal presented both the 8th Guide to the Holy Week Accessible as a

From we would first like to thank La Ciudad Accesible for signing up for the project by just briefly telling them about the idea.
Of course to the Royal Federation of Brotherhoods and Confraternities of Granada for providing us with access to information, to the City Council of Granada for supporting the initiative, and to Wiber and ALSA for collaborating with us by providing Internet access and information.
This has just begun has been developed in record time, only 3 weeks. Although we are preparing another post where we will do a post-mortem analysis and go into technical details, we can advance that we are already thinking about ideas for the Easter of 2025. Many ideas have been left out for this edition and we are looking forward to working on them calmly during this year.
Stay tuned to see how artificial intelligence is making our lives easier and more accessible. We continue!